
Custom Look & Feel

Learn how to customize the look and feel of CopilotKit in your app.

CSS Variables

CopilotKit uses CSS variables to make it easay to customize the look and feel of the components. Hover over the interactive UI elements below to see the available CSS variables.

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Customize CopilotKit Appearance

You can override / customize the CSS, customize the icons, customize labels, swap out react components, and use headless UI. See below.

CSS Variables (Easiest)

The easiest way to change the colors is to override CopilotKit CSS variables. You can simply wrap CopilotKit in a div and override the CSS variables. CopilotKitCSSProperties will have the variable names as types:


      "--copilot-kit-primary-color": "#222222",
    } as CopilotKitCSSProperties
  <CopilotSidebar .../>

Custom CSS

In addition to customizing the colors, the CopilotKit CSS is structured to easily allow customization via CSS classes.

Have a look at the CSS classes defined here.

For example:

.copilotKitButton {
  border-radius: 0;

Custom Icons

You can customize the icons by passing the icons property to the CopilotSidebar, CopilotPopup or CopilotChat component.

Below is a list of customizable icons:

  • openIcon: The icon to use for the open chat button.
  • closeIcon: The icon to use for the close chat button.
  • headerCloseIcon: The icon to use for the close chat button in the header.
  • sendIcon: The icon to use for the send button.
  • activityIcon: The icon to use for the activity indicator.
  • spinnerIcon: The icon to use for the spinner.
  • stopIcon: The icon to use for the stop button.
  • regenerateIcon: The icon to use for the regenerate button.
  • pushToTalkIcon: The icon to use for push to talk.

Custom Labels

To customize labels, pass the labels property to the CopilotSidebar, CopilotPopup or CopilotChat component.

Below is a list of customizable labels:

  • initial: The initial message(s) to display in the chat window.
  • title: The title to display in the header.
  • placeholder: The placeholder to display in the input.
  • stopGenerating: The label to display on the stop button.
  • regenerateResponse: The label to display on the regenerate button.

Swapping Out Components

To completely customize the look and feel of CopilotKit, you can swap out the components of the chat window.

The following components can be customized by passing it as properties to the CopilotChat component:

  • Window: The window component that contains the chat.
  • Button: The button for opening/closing the chat window.
  • Header: The chat header.
  • Messages: The chat messages area.
  • Input: The chat input.
  • ResponseButton: The button for regenerating a response.

For example, to customize the response button, you can pass a custom component to the ResponseButton prop:

export function CustomResponseButton({ onClick, inProgress }: ResponseButtonProps) {
  return (
    <div style={{ 
        display: "flex", 
        marginTop: "10px" 
          flex: 1, 
          border: "1px solid #eee", 
          borderRadius: "4px", 
          marginRight: "5px" 
      <button style={{ 
        flex: 1, 
        border: "1px solid #eee", 
        borderRadius: "4px" 
<CopilotSidebar ResponseButton={CustomResponseButton}>
  // ...

Headless UI (Full Customizability)

Finally, as a reminder, CopilotKit also supports Headless UI for full customizability and programmatic control.

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